Different faces
Uniting values

We consider teamplay, reliability & a high-quality-oriented mindset as essential cornerstones of productive collaboration.

Our values

The SHI Group owes its dynamism to a team that is characterized by both individuality and diversity. And it is the individuality of each team member that is crucial for the success of our teams.

The independent perspectives of our employees allow us to take a 360° look at the challenges of everyday life. With all diversity, it is however essential that there is a connecting element – and this is ensured by our shared values. Taken together, our values reflect our view on entrepreneurial passion, professionalism & team play.

  • Reliability

    Said and done. For us, “handshake quality” is not only a matter of course for clients and partners. To work effectively in teams and to develop solutions in a timely and qualitative manner, highly reliable team members are required - reliability means fairness.

  • Self-Initiative

    Teams that want to develop unique solutions need individual members who show commitment and self-initiative. Dynamic team players are proactive and contribute “outside-the-box” ideas. Most importantly, they work independently and are always oriented towards solutions.

  • Independent thinking

    The more a person works in teams, the more important it is to personally maintain an independent, objective view and to openly communicate own ideas and opinions. Team players think situationally. They naturally think creatively and “outside-the-box”, but are also able to analyse issues with rational “inside-the-box” thinking. They constantly focus on the solution.

  • Performance

    To remain a pioneer in our business areas, we must meet the high-quality standards and expectations that our partners and clients demand from us. We pass this claim on to our employees. Passionate commitment – the often-quoted "extra mile" - and a high-quality-oriented mindset determine the daily actions of our team players. What they do is characterized by quality and coherence.

  • Empathy

    The ability to create unique products and services for people requires consideration and empathy. In order to move people emotionally, we must first understand what moves them. The same applies to productive teamwork. For people to function in teams, it is essential to always treat colleagues with understanding and compassion.

  • Appreciation

    Mutual appreciation is the basis of social interaction – this of course also applies to SHI Group. We expect respectful manners within our teams – regardless of the hierarchical level. We appreciate fair team play and professionalism – and we aim to show that daily.

  • Sense of Responsibility

    Our team players are aware of their responsibility to clients, suppliers, but specifically also to their colleagues. If something once does not work in an optimal way, they take responsibility and look for solutions instead of excuses.

  • Collegiality

    We have set ourselves the goal of improving ourselves continuously. For this reason, we value an open feedback culture. Our team players take care of developing each other; they give honest feedback and pass on their personal experience and skills to their colleagues. This mutual mentoring helps us to grow as a team and to successfully achieve our ambitious corporate goals.

  • Loyalty

    It is our philosophy to heavily rely on long-term, sustainable partnerships. We have been able to establish these long-lasting relationships and networks only by complying with the highest levels of loyalty, honesty, and trust. Our team players internalize these attitudes. They always communicate openly and honestly; and they reliably stand behind their colleagues.

  • Cost & Value Awereness

    As private business group, we expect a responsible use of all resources. We respect the resources of each stakeholder – whether client, supplier, or colleague. In everything we do, we consciously pay attention to what creates value and what causes costs. We always aim to economize optimally – that is professional entrepreneurship.

Our Team

Josip Susnjara
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Matthias Wenninger, MSc, MIM
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)
Isabella Susnjara, MSc, MBA
Managing Partner
Sonja Rauschütz, MPA
Strategic Alliance Management
Mag. Goran Zuzul
Strategic Alliance Management
MMag. Daniela Angelova
Finance & Controlling
Rade Lazarevic
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Mario Berger, MSc
Digital Marketing Manager

A community of diverse companies and brands

Characterized by diversity and unites companies from various industries under the umbrella of a strong group of companies - Leisure & Tourism, Digital and Real Estate.